Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New Class ! Bead Applique

Do you ever wonder "What can I do with Bead Applique"?
You can use this technique to embellish quilts, store bought clothing, home decor and found objects.
The Zulu doll in Picture 1 is fully embellished with beads of all kinds, ribbon and found objects.

Picture 2 is a selection of dolls students will use in class. The dolls are complete except for embellishment. They have a pin back and can be used as a Jacket pin or add a chain and wear as a necklace.

June 16, 2016
Class Fee  $20.00
Doll            $12.00
Students need to bring: Thread, Needles, Embroidery scissors and an assortment of beads in all shapes and sizes 
Instructor Terri Brown